Monday, October 01, 2007

like the inuit with their snowflakes...

(aka The Mermaid Blues)
uhn, uhn,
wrote sharon a million
and one
voices of the head.

she slowed it down operator,
just a few,
so few,
i miss them too.

now peace it out operator
uhn uhn
back they coming
'public enemy number one.

number one, one, one
one? one, one!' ( - PE)
to dog land
back country city

your girl couldn't warm up-pity
tripping dusty blues
polluted blues
up in denver sending rugged news

rusty knees, smiles more please,
at ease, at ease, shittt,
atenshunnn, here comes another one -

a just got out of jail party
it's dangerous
a going to jail party
more dangerous

got gracious
gracious got courageous
courageous got hard come on unceasing pages

don't sleep
night before to jail
enter the whale, hull of ivory ribs
shudder you in your little rowboat

ready now row
from ivory bars, it's for life
row hard toward sea,..
yes your girl, she loves liberally.

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